Wednesday, May 30, 2007

divine intervention!

the house has been on the market for 17 today we buried st. joseph!

this is our st. joseph kit that we received via the internet...
it came complete with a little st. joe, a zip lock baggie, instructions, 2 prayer options, and a keychain!

the burial plot: we were instructed to bury st. joseph in the front of the house. we chose a shady plot behind the coldwell banker sign.

we were instructed to place st. joseph in the baggie before burial--so that we can later exhume him and place him in a prominent location in our home.

the newly laid sod peeled back without too much we dug a hole and inserted the little statue, with feet to heaven and facing the street (as we were instructed) can see st. joe's feet in the baggie in the bottom right corner of the grave.

a closeup:

so, scott read prayer option #1 and i read prayer option #2...i chose option #2 because it referenced my anxiety! as i was reading the prayer, my catholic guilt welled up within -- am i really praying for my house to sell, when there is so much suffering in the world!?

so i finished the prayer with an extra "the sooner you sell this house, the sooner you will get out of this hole!" scott thinks that might have doomed our sale, but i said that st. joe has to know about my sense of humor! (but maybe i should say 12 our fathers and 12 hail mary's just in case!)

here is prayer option #2...Holy St. Joseph I place myself and all of my concerns and that of my family, under your care and protection. I pray that you will look kindly on us and grant us the help we need for our spiritual and temporal wellfare. We are most anxious for a special favor in your aiding us to sell our property at -39 Beverly Rd- in -Natick-,-Ma-. We know St. Joseph, if we have your blessings on our behalf that God will hear our prayer and will make the sale of our home His Will and it will be done. Thank you St. Joseph, for responding to this prayer. Amen.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

open house update...

so, we had 11 groups show up at the open house today....that is alot more than i had expected.

we are keeping our fingers crossed.

there is this huge unknown factor when flipping a house; it can sit on the market for a week or for a year...who knows what is going to happen. it is now out of our hands!

Thursday, May 17, 2007



11:00AM - 1:00 PM

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

before's and after's

Master Bedroom (this was a bedroom that the previous owner was using as a dining room):

before's and after's

Walk-in-closet (the old "work shop"):

Living Room:

Living Room (the old porch):

Living Room (the old porch):

Living Room (the old porch):

before's and after's

Living Room:

Living Room:


Kitchen (the old entry door):

Laundry (was a linen closet):

before's and after's

view towards kitchen:

some exteriors:

before's and after's...


Small Bedroom:

Big Bedroom:

another view:

Monday, May 14, 2007

finished bath...

misc pix...

mulch and the shade garden bed...

my favorite spot...out on the back deck

the side yard..we are waiting for more sod to fill this in, should arrive tomorrow morning! these plants were all existing, in fact, the row on the right belongs to our neighbor, but we mulched the bed to help with the appearance of our yard.

the end of a long day!


"curb appeal"

the sod arrived on palettes, neatly rolled and stacked...

tali, i took this photo for you! ;)

we had already received a pile of loam that we had to rake out level...and mulch for the plant beds...landscaping is back-breaking work!

this is jim, jim helped us get our sod and lay it out...thanks jim!

Friday, May 11, 2007


its finally time to sell the house. it will officially go on the market on monday. if anyone is interested, you should contact our agent, Anna Borelli, at Coldwell Banker 508-655-0680.

im a little sad, i will miss this house and the wonderful neighbors (i cannot believe how nice everyone is here!) this experience has been so much fun (hard work, but so rewarding!) we would do it again in a heartbeat! but now we really want another house in THIS neighborhood!

time to bury st. joseph...i hope he likes the new sod!
(im thinking we should get the Deluxe! St Joseph, the Worker seems appropriate!)


we were deliberating between laying sod or hydroseed, but it turns out that the hydroseed would cost more than the sod- (we are getting a very extra special low price on the sod (thanks jim!) i'm pretty sure that hydroseed would normally cost less)

so, before we lay the sod, we needed to spread a layer of loam...

we got 5 yards of loam, turns out we will need 3 more yards to finish...

here is scott wiring the new lamp post...we chose this lamp post because it was on clearance at lowe's....$100 off!!! sometimes, that is how we make decisions (i know that will make my architect friends cringe, but....gotta do what we gotta do!)

the Natick water department stopped by today to replace our connection to the main supply line. we had a new water main run to the house a couple of months ago, but they still needed to replace the connection at the street. we were told that we now have much better water pressure...

Wednesday, May 9, 2007


view from back yard...before:


Tuesday, May 8, 2007


the boys (scott and keith) installed the new deck today...

the 2 ends now just need to be trimmed to get nice straight edges

here is a photo from the interior...the deck is just slightly lower than the interior floor:
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